published in Orthodox Life magazine 1960 (4) by Archimandrite Constantine Zaitsev THE SPIRITUAL STATE OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLDIntervene, save, have mercy, and...
True Orthodoxy
Professor Ivan Andreyev THE CATACOMB CHURCH IN THE SOVIET UNION by Ivan Andreyev The All-Russian Church Council in Moscow in...
We have received from the Church of God, that upon this day we owe yearly thanksgiving to God along with...
From the archives of our monastery.Left to right; Russian priest, Metropolitan Akakios of Diavleia, Archbishop Laurus of ROCOR, in behind...
HIEROCONFESSOR THEODORE (RAFANOVICH) OF KHYMY Archimandrite Theodore, in the world Theodore Andreyevich Rafanovich, was born in Belorussia in the village...
The Nuns of Shamordinoin Solovki Prison AND THE MIRACLE OF THEIR MANLINESS Commemorated November 12 Upon him who labors—God sheds...
Matushka Maria of Gatchina THE CONSOLING CATACOMB ELDRESS Commemorated January 26 (†1930)Intense sorrows, like gold in the furnace, purify the...