July 27, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

5 Questions to Prove that You Might Not Understand the Church in the Same Way as St. Gregory the Theologian

1 min read

From the “Epistle of St. Gregory the Theologian to the One-Hundred and Fifty Bishops”.

Would you prefer all the Canaanites or one Abraham? Would you prefer all the inhabitants of Sodom or one Righteous Lot? Would you prefer the Midianites (Madianites) or one Moses even if he was a foreigner? Would you prefer the thousands of idol worshippers or the three hundred that were with Gideon? Would you prefer the tens of thousands of soldiers and of impious kings or the small families of Abraham that were few, but able to put the tens of thousands of the impious to flight?”

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