The Divine Liturgy, often called the "mystery of mysteries," lies at the very heart of the Orthodox Christian faith. It...
To Ponder
By Vladimir Moss Life is a race for the prize of salvation; and few there be who win it. We...
The Life of Saint Panteleimon Saint Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia (modern-day Izmit, Turkey) in the late 3rd century to...
+ Ep. P În viața Bisericii Ortodoxe, conceptele de „Akrivia” (Ἀκρίβεια) și „Oikonomia” (Οἰκονομία) joacă un rol crucial în administrarea...
فهم الدقة (أكريفيا) و التدبير (إيكونوميا) في الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية. بقلم غبطة الأسقف فلاريتوس في حياة الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية، يلعب مفهوما "أكريفيا"...
Understanding Humility Humility, often misunderstood as mere self-deprecation, is far deeper and more profound. It is not about thinking less...