An article from a Greek Newspaper of 1926 The official Church of Greece is celebrating the Nativity of Christ for...
Calendar Change
The celebration of the Nativity of Christ in 1924 for the True Orthodox Christians of Greece was one full of...
+ BP How strange it seems in our world today that some Orthodox are still fasting and some “Orthodox” (I...
١٥ وٱحسُبوا لَكم مِن غَدِ السَّبت، مِن يَومِ إِتْيانِكم بِحُزمةِ التَّحْريك، سَبعَةَ أَسابيعَ تامّة.١٦ إِلى غَدِ السَّبتِ السَّابِع، تَحسُبونَ خَمْسينَ...
Leviticus chapter 23: 15 ‘And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you...
This year, as happens when Pascha is late, New Calendarists will not observe the Fast of the Holy Apostles. According...
By Vladimir Moss Only in one part of the Russian Church outside Russia was the new calendar ever implanted firmly...
This week, during his "ordination" to the "episcopacy" presided over by Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, new Bishop Theophan of Philomelion...
By +BP Was it a chance meeting?No, it was the hand of God! The encounter with the Almighty A worker...