by Bishop Philaretos Days where it is hard to find the real thing. Today is the feast of the Holy...
True Orthodoxy
If You Haven't Studied Holy Orthodoxy, Then You Probably Won't Notice When It's Not Really Present After Dark, All Cats...
I admit it, change takes a lot of courage. And repentance, the most significant mode of life for an Orthodox...
"An evil faith and a false church is arising."(Saint Theophan the Recluse) Archbishop Averky This, for example, is what Vladyka...
About the MP About the "Moscow Patriarchate" It's terrible when we consciously step back from the Truth, deliberately take the...
Архиепископ Аверкий (Таушев) Страшно то, когда мы сознательно отступаем от Истины, сознательно становимся на путь лжи и строим всю свою жизнь,...
UNTIL RECENTLY (written in 1975), the concepts and terms “Christian” and “Orthodox” were unambiguous and meaningful. Now, however, we are...
Know that we must serve, not the times, but God."—St. Athanasius the Great, Letter to Dracontius IN STEP WITH THE...
BY ARCHBISHOP AVERKY True Orthodoxy by Archbishop Averky of Blessed Memory Few people today know that the Orthodox Church is...
Holy hieromartyr John of Gogolev Priest John Rusanovich was born in 1875 in the village of Gogolev, Chernigov province (now...