The "Royal Path" is the path that the King, Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ shows us. The Misuse...
THE POWER OF ANATHEMA Written by Vladimir Moss The Church has boundaries and an "anathema" means someone is already to...
St. Theophan the Recluse on "The Comfortable Life"
I. M. Andreyevsky (Ivan Mihailovich Andreyev): ‘Russia’s Catacomb Saints’ – Alexander Jacobson St. Alexander (Jackobson) the New Martyr Alexander Jacobson...
THE RUSSIAN CHURCH AND THE NEW CALENDAR The calendar question is sometimes considered to have been a temptation...
Vanity are all the works and quests of man, and they have no being after death has come; our wealth...
True Orthodoxy by Archbishop Averky of Blessed Memory Few people today know that the Orthodox Church is nothing less than that...
St. Philaret says this about the MP Translation of St. Philaret's of NY words (regarding the MP): "And here is...
“She was a rare combination of exalted Christian spirit, moral nobility, enlightened mind, gentle heart, and refined taste. She possessed...