"Archbishop Elpidophoros
This week, during his "ordination" to the "episcopacy" presided over by Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, new Bishop Theophan of Philomelion...
Before you see the video, I would like to point out the comments that may seem true but hide guile...
Isn't the meaning of life for a Christian to be with Christ? Is there hope of eternity without Christ? Did...
source: https://orthochristian.com/ ABP. ELPIDOPHOROS PUBLICLY REITERATES HIS STANCE ON OPEN COMMUNION FOR NON-ORTHODOX SPOUSES New York, April 12, 2020 livemedia.com ...
We read this article a couple of weeks back. We held off publishing it as there was a fear that...
AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF "ARCHBISHOP" ELPIDOPHOROS TO HIS CLERGY Two days before Orthodox everywhere celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy,...