“Христос раждается — славите,Христос с небес — срящите,Христос на земли — возноситеся,Пойте Господеви вся земля…”Вот уже в течение более двух...
The night of the Holy Nativity of Christ. A holy and wise hermit prays, kneeling for hours in the holy...
„Când Augustus a devenit conducătorul suprem al pământului, multiplicitatea stăpânirii între oameni a încetat. Și când omul a devenit cel...
Beloved in Christ our Lord, born in the flesh for our salvation, In this beautiful doxasticon cited above, the Nun...
Szeretteim Krisztusban, a mi Urunkban, aki testben megszületett a mi üdvösségünkre, Ebben a fent idézett gyönyörű doxasztikonban Cassiani (Kasszia) apáca...
Saint Spyridon of Tremithus was born towards the end of the third century on the island of Cyprus. He was...