This day, along with Palm Sunday, occupies a special position between Lent and Holy Week. Following the forty days of...
I was asked, "What is it like to be a monk?" "It's like walking in the middle of the ocean....
The path of God is a daily cross. No one has ascended into heaven by means of ease, for we...
May 9, 1988 "Archbishop" Stylianos of Australia Prays with Rabbis, Muslims, Papists, and Protestants in Sidney, Australia
The Power of the Cross In a sermon on the Sunday of the Adoration of the Cross, the late Metropolitan...
St. Philaret explains Vespers to the Youth Group circa 1964Discussion with a Youth Group about the Vespers ServiceMetropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky)When...
Vladimir Moss: The mission of ROCOR and the Catacomb Church - a historical retrospective of the development of relationships The...
ON KEEPING THE FAST Great Lent is upon us, and on its threshold it would be good for the Christian...
Encyclical at the Beginning of Great Lent 2019 Dearest Brethren and Fellow Wayfarers on the journey to eternal life, From...