By Dr. Vladimir Moss During the eighteenth century, in spite of the spread of Enlightenment ideas, the old despotic...
St. Columba of Iona Our venerable and God-bearing Father Columba of Iona, Enlightener of Scotland (December 7, 521 - June 9, 597)... Monk Symeon chants the selection from the Polyeleos "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God". Ψάλλει ὁ Μοναχὸς Συμεὼν...
Professor Ivan Andreyev THE CATACOMB CHURCH IN THE SOVIET UNION by Ivan Andreyev The All-Russian Church Council in Moscow in...
bySaint Ignatius Briantchaninov Reprinted from Orthodox Life -Vol.2 Number 2 - March/April 1951 The head or chief of the virtues...
by Dr. Vladimir Moss Our holy Father Petroc (or Pedrog) was born in about 468, the third of ten children...
Find Out What the Holy Fathers Said About Sts. Martha and Maria, the Sisters of St. Lazarus – June 4
The righteous sisters Martha and Mary were believers in Christ before He raised their brother Saint Lazarus from the dead....
by Dr. Vladimir Moss Our holy Father Oda was born in East Anglia, of Danish parents. His father had been...
Thank you to Brother Michael Excerpt from an address from Archimandrite Constantine (Zaitzev) of Jordanville Monastery, NY. "...we come to...