"The Lord begins to reveal His power when a person sees that all human means for providing help to the...
The "Royal Path" is the path that the King, Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ shows us. The Misuse...
Icon of the Transfiguration A Sermon by Archbishop Seraphim (Ivanov) on the Transfiguration of Christ. On August 6/19 , the...
Chocolate tahini cookies makes: 16 prep: 15 min cooking: 10 min INGREDIENTS 120 ml / ½ cup maple...
The Seven Holy Youth of Ephesus Cave of the 7 Youths of Ephesus
Falsehood is from the Evil One The Father of lies distorts our view of things In the Scriptures, it is...
THE RUSSIAN CHURCH AND THE NEW CALENDAR The calendar question is sometimes considered to have been a temptation...
Vanity are all the works and quests of man, and they have no being after death has come; our wealth...