Yes, I believe we have to be careful what we read. But if we know what we believe then it...
Address-Appeal to the Clergy and Faithful Sons and Daughters of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad from the First Hierarch of...
Pope Francis has been challenged to go vegan for Lent - and in exchange for his sacrifice, he’d receive a...
President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine communes from the Uniate Major "Archbishop", Bartholomew and Epiphany Dumenko Poroshenko communes from the chalice of the Uniats "I am very proud today that I took communion in the...
Let a bishop, presbyter, or deacon, who has only prayed with heretics, be excommunicated: but if he has permitted them...
Adorned with their Blood Excerpt from the Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret Unwavering faithfulness to Christ shines forth especially...
Obedience by St. Ambrose of Optina Obedience If the work of redemption of mankind was performed by the obedience unto...