by Vladimir Moss On July 16/29, 1927, the deputy of the locum tenens of Russian patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky),...
Against our Holy Faith
Part 2 of The Fruits of Schism Part 2 has now been published. Read it here together with Part 1...
The 30th Canon of the Holy Apostles tells us, "If any Bishop comes into possession of a church by employing...
The Disciple Betrays His Master Adding Sergianism to Cyprianism The Latest Works of the Synod of Kallinikos GOC Adding Sergianism...
May 9, 1988 "Archbishop" Stylianos of Australia Prays with Rabbis, Muslims, Papists, and Protestants in Sidney, Australia
THE ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY By the time of the death of Rousseau in 1774 all the essential elements...