THERE is no one in existence who is able to praise worthily the holy death of God's Mother, even if...
by St. John of Damascus THE memory of the just takes place with rejoicing, said Solomon, the wisest of men;...
The Most-Holy Virgin, the Mother of God, lived for some fifteen or twenty years following the Ascension of the Lord...
Protopresbyter John Yanishev Thank you to Brother Michael A. Points of Difference between the Orthodox and the Protestant religious teachings:...
A terrible picture is drawn for us by this Sunday’s Gospel. It begins with the folio wing words: "Therefore the...
“It is a wonderful thing that, no matter how much we trouble about our health, however much care we take...
Source: From the life of Vladyka Peter Ladygin: After many years of suffering for the Faith, the holy bishop...
For the Light of the WorldWhen Thou wast transfigured on the mountain, O Christ our God, Thou didst show Thy glory...
For our oil-less fast days like today- Fast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Trying to make it...
by St. Theophan the Recluse This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” If this kind goes out...