In wishing all of you a blessed fast in preparation of the Dormition of the Most-Holy Theotokos, I thought it...
THE POWER OF ANATHEMA Written by Vladimir Moss The Church has boundaries and an "anathema" means someone is already to...
Falsehood is from the Evil One The Father of lies distorts our view of things In the Scriptures, it is...
Priest Suffers Martyrdom at the Hands of His Own Son (From the lives of the New Martyrs of Russia) A...
ST. MARK OF EPHESUS AND THE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE St. Mark of Ephesus preserved Holy Orthodoxy at the Council...
Abbess Magdalena of Lesna Convent. Recipient of St. Philaret's Amazing Epistle. Abbess Magdalena Grabbe Abbess Magdalena, according to the world Nina...
St Paraskevi Memory celebrated July 26th Saint ParaskeviSt Paraskevi was born in Rome about 140 AD of Greek Christian parents....
Letter To Abbess Magdalena A Letter from Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) to Abbess Magdalena (Countess Grabbe), Superior of the Lesna Convent...
SAINT MARY MAGDALENE St. Mary Magdalen with a Red Egg Mary Magdalene was one of the myrrh-bearing women and "equal...