HIEROCONFESSOR THEODORE (RAFANOVICH) OF KHYMY Archimandrite Theodore, in the world Theodore Andreyevich Rafanovich, was born in Belorussia in the village...
On Great and Holy Friday this year, the Nun Afanasiya of Gomel fell asleep in the Lord at 98 years...
The holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, speaking in his Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ’s last farewell talk...
Let us purify our senses and we shall behold Christ, radiant with inaccessible light of the Resurrection, and shall hear...
It is the Day of Resurrection! Let us be radiant, O people! Pascha! The Lord's Pascha! For Christ our God...
If anyone is devout and a lover of God, let him enjoy this beautiful and radiant festival. If anyone is...
“He says: I was dead, and behold, I am alive for, evermore, amen; and you also will be alive forever....
Christ is Risen! Let us arise in the deep dawn,And instead of myrrh offer a hymn to the Lord. St....
Diocese of Pallini and Western Europe O death, where is thy sting? O Hades, where is thy victory? -Paschal Catechetical...
Пасхальное послание всем верным чадам Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви во Отечестве и разсеянии сущим Дорогие о Господе собратия Архипастыри, благоговейнейшие пастыри...