AUTHOR UNKNOWN Some things you keep. Like good teeth. Warm coats. Bald husbands. They're good for you, reliable and practical...
A noble kinswoman of St Edwin, king of Northumbria (commemorated October 12), Hilda was baptized at a young age through...
Source: Augsburg and Constantinople, by Fr. George Mastrantonis (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Press, 1982). The First (of 3) Answer of...
What Was Christ Writing on the Ground? by Bishop Nikolai (Velimirovic) Once, the All-Loving Lord was sitting in front of...
This holy and beloved Western Saint, the patron of France, was born in Pannonia (modern-day Hungary) in 316, to a...
source: Wikipedia Saint Tysilio (+640 AD) was a Welsh bishop, prince and scholar, son of the reigning King of Powys, Brochwel Ysgithrog, maternal nephew of the great Abbot...