July 27, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Leaving the Old Life Behind -St. Melania the Roman

1 min read

At the convent founded by St. Melania in the Old City of Jerusalem

The Church’s New Year begins on September 1. However, January 1 has been used as a civil New Year in parts of the Roman Empire since 46 B.C. In Greece and in other places of Orthodox culture, civil New Year celebrations became intertwined with the feast of St. Basil the Great. The New Year carols of Greece mention St. Basil the Great.

I think that it is appropriate for us to think about St. Melania the Younger who is celebrated on the day before the Orthodox Calendar’s January 1/Civil New Year/feast of St. Basil.

St. Melania married at the age of 14. After the early deaths of their two children, she and her then-husband set out on a new life of asceticism.

I like to view St. Melania as one of the saints to pray to for a change in our way of life. She is for me a guardian and helper in leaving behind our old ways and embracing a pious change. Ask her to help give you change in the coming year!

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