Рождественское послание преосвященнейшего Филарета, епископа Палинийского и Западноевропейского - 2019/2020. Дата размещения на сайте: 05.01.2020 «Тайну сокровенную от век и...
Рождественское Послание Высокопреосвященнейшаго Вениамина, Архиепископа Черноморского и Кубанского, пастырям, монашествующим, диаконам и всем верным чадам Русской Истинно Православной Церкви, Черноморско-Кубанской...
Дата размещения на сайте: 06.01.2020 Всем верным чадам Русской Истинно-Православной Церквиво Отечестве и в разсеянии сущим Христос раждается, — славите;|Христос с небес — срящите;Христос...
in the Fatherland and in the diaspora Christ is born; glorify Him!Christ comes from heaven; come to welcome Him!Christ is...
Diocese of Western Europe Nativity Epistle 2019 “The mystery that has been hidden throughout the ages and generations has now...
St. John of Kronstadt On October 19, 1829, in the far north of Russia, a weak and sickly child, named...
Written by Dr. Vladimir Moss CAN WORKS WITHOUT FAITH BE GOOD? The Holy Scriptures teach us that faith without works...
Saint Lucy was born in Syracuse, Sicily during the reign of Diocletian. She distributed her wealth to the poor, and...
Saint Daniel the Stylite was born in the village of Bethara, near the city of Samosata in Mesopotamia. His mother...
Man's primary responsibility in relation to God is love for Him. This love was commanded in the Old Testament where...