Matushka Maria of Gatchina THE CONSOLING CATACOMB ELDRESS Commemorated January 26 (†1930)Intense sorrows, like gold in the furnace, purify the...
26 March/8 April Archangel Gabriel was chosen by the Lord to announce to the Virgin Mary, and through her to...
Η_καθαίρεση_του_Κυπριανού_1986Download English translation here
"It is good to hide the secret of a king, but it is glorious to reveal and preach the works...
A letter which St. Jerome wrote to St. Marcella provides the only information we have about St. Lea, a devout fourth-century widow. Upon the...
A notable missionary who is known principally by the writings of St. Gregory of Tours. According to Gregory, Paul was ordained...
Abbess Sophia of KievCATACOMB ABBESS OF THE PROTECTION CONVENTCommemorated March 22 (†1941) The righteous doth sing and rejoiceProv. 29:6 OF...
The Akathist Hymn is one of the most well-loved services of devotion in the Orthodox Church. Although there is some...