By Archpriest Konstantin Fedoroff, spiritual son of St. Philaret the Confessor Through Brother Michael - Thank you! Every Christian should...
My mother belonged to a generation of very different people. Agewise, she could have easily been my grandmother. Even though...
Man's primary responsibility in relation to God is love for Him. This love was commanded in the Old Testament where...
Bearing the Cross Abp. Averky says that the unhappy motherland has been in demonic possession for 36 years. If he...
In order to truly worship in Spirit and Truth, Orthodox Christians should know the meaning of whatever they do in...
Church must be fun! Today, our Holy Church celebrates the Beheading of the Holy Baptist and Forerunner John. A big...
I was asked, "What is it like to be a monk?" "It's like walking in the middle of the ocean....
The path of God is a daily cross. No one has ascended into heaven by means of ease, for we...
The Power of the Cross In a sermon on the Sunday of the Adoration of the Cross, the late Metropolitan...