Commemorated on March 14 Saint Benedict, the founder of Western monasticism, was born in the Italian city of Nursia in the...
Bitter is the Cold, but Sweet is Paradise The Lake of Sebasteia as it is today. The names of the...
Feast on March 5 St. Carthage was an Irish bishop and abbot of the 6th century. He was the successor...
Gerasimus left his family wealth and worldly affairs to become a monk. He departed for the region Thebaid in the...
Hieroconfessor Nicetas, in the world Nicetas Auxentievich Lekhan, was born in 1893 in the Poltava district. He was from a...
Designation of Orthodoxy and Heresy – St Gregory Palamas 2 April 2013 The second Sunday in Great Lent comes as...
Memory celebrated March 1 Eudokia was a woman of Samaria who lived during the second century in Heliopolis. She was...
Our venerable and God-bearing Father John Cassian was a 4th/5th century monastic saint known for his writings on the monastic life and for correctives...
(Feast Day ~ February 25) The saints of God show us, time and time again, that holiness “runs in families.”...
St Theodore Tyron (and the Miracle of the Kollyva) St Theodore was born under Emperor Maximian’s rule around 303 AD....