In 1976, two Orthodox Christians of the Orthodox Parish of St. Michael the Archangel, Guildford, Surrey, England (Russian Orthodox Church...
SAINT ARISTOBULUS An Apostle of the Seventy brought the Orthodox Faith to the shores of Britain. Aristobulus of Britannia was...
St. Ypomoni the Righteous (Feast Day - March 13/26) St. Ypomoni (Patience), in the world named Helen Dragaš, and later...
Commemorated on March 14 Saint Benedict, the founder of Western monasticism, was born in the Italian city of Nursia in the...
Bitter is the Cold, but Sweet is Paradise The Lake of Sebasteia as it is today. The names of the...
Feast on March 5 St. Carthage was an Irish bishop and abbot of the 6th century. He was the successor...
Gerasimus left his family wealth and worldly affairs to become a monk. He departed for the region Thebaid in the...
Hieroconfessor Nicetas, in the world Nicetas Auxentievich Lekhan, was born in 1893 in the Poltava district. He was from a...