More photos from the Papist monastery of Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy. This time showing Athonites (!) and an Athonite abbot joining...
On November 12, 2019 “Patriarch” Bartholomew attended vespers at Trappist Cistercian Abbey Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Rochefort, Belgium.
Alexandria, November 8, 2019 Patriarch Theodoros with the Greek ambassador to Egypt at today's Liturgy. Photo: In a press...
On October 25, 2019 (New Style)
As we now all know, immediately following the official welcome of "Patriarch" Bartholomew, on October 20, 2019, at Karyes the...
I am placing this article as is. Whoever has an Orthodox mindset and also some knowledge about the so-called "Great...
HOW THE MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE FELL UNDER THE 1983 ANATHEMA The founder of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky)...
At a consecration of a church in Varash on Monday, October 1/14, 2019, "Metropolitan" Epiphaniy of Ukraine had a Roman...
We probably all have heard that "Patriarch" Bartholomew is called the "Green Patriarch" due to his ecological message. No of...
Last night, on October 3, 2019, during the usual homily that takes place on Thursdays at the Cathedral of St....