Analysis: Chicago’s New Open Communion Policy Applies to ALL Metropolises of the EP Watch whom Bartholomew communes... And Anastasios of...
"Metropolitan" Nathanael Announces Open Communion in the Metropolis of Chicago from: Nathanael Announces Open Communion in the Metropolis of...
More photos from the Papist monastery of Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy. This time showing Athonites (!) and an Athonite abbot joining...
On November 12, 2019 “Patriarch” Bartholomew attended vespers at Trappist Cistercian Abbey Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Rochefort, Belgium.
Alexandria, November 8, 2019 Patriarch Theodoros with the Greek ambassador to Egypt at today's Liturgy. Photo: In a press...
On October 25, 2019 (New Style)
As we now all know, immediately following the official welcome of "Patriarch" Bartholomew, on October 20, 2019, at Karyes the...
I am placing this article as is. Whoever has an Orthodox mindset and also some knowledge about the so-called "Great...
HOW THE MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE FELL UNDER THE 1983 ANATHEMA The founder of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky)...
At a consecration of a church in Varash on Monday, October 1/14, 2019, "Metropolitan" Epiphaniy of Ukraine had a Roman...