July 27, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Bartholomew, “We Only Fear God?”. Since When May I Ask?

1 min read

Since when?

According to romfea.gr even though “Patriarchs” Bartholomew and Kyrill smiled embraced publicly, their recent meeting had a “heavy atmosphere”.

The “Patriarch of Moscow” hinted that if the ‘Ecumenical Patriarchate” insists upon giving the “Church of the Ukraine” autocephaly then the unity of the “church” is at danger and that even a schism breaking out could not be ruled out.

It appears that Bartholomew said, “we neither threaten or are threatened” and with a serious tone asked the leader of the Moscow “church” not to threaten with schism.

Supposedly, Bartholomew said to Kyrill, “We have neither money, nor an army, nor powers, but we fear only God”

But we only fear God!  My question, “When did you start fearing God?”

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