Ἱερὰ Ἐπισκοπὴ Παλλήνης Πασχαλινὴ Ἐγκύκλιος 2020 Ποῦ σου, θάνατε, τό κέντρον; Ποῦ σου, ἅδη, τό νῖκος; -Πασχαλινὸς Κατηχητικὸς Λόγος Ἁγίου...
Year: 2020
HOLY AND GREAT FRIDAY Saint Philaret of New York Last night, in the reading of the Ninth Gospel concerning the...
Great and Holy Thursday: Today is the day when Christ gave us the LIFE-GIVING MYSTERIES. I am amazed at just...
Great and Holy Tuesday A thank you to Brother Michael for the text! "In the parable of the wise and...
I see Your Bridal Chamber adorned, O my Saviour, and I have no wedding garment, that I may enter therein;...
source: https://orthochristian.com/ ABP. ELPIDOPHOROS PUBLICLY REITERATES HIS STANCE ON OPEN COMMUNION FOR NON-ORTHODOX SPOUSES New York, April 12, 2020 livemedia.com ...
Genesis 39:12 And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he (Joseph) left his garment in...
Sermon on Lazarus Saturday by Saint Philaret (Voznesensky, +1985)of Eastern America and New York It often happens that a child...