February 16, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

The Mystery of Theophany: Revelation of the Holy Trinity

Priest Aleksandar Radunovic

In the mystery of Theophany, in its sacred and ineffable depths, human existence encounters the revelation of God Himself as the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity. Christ’s baptism in the Jordan River is not merely a historical event but an eternal reality permeating time and eternity, testifying to the essence of our salvation.
When the Son of God, the Sinless Lamb, approaches the waters of the Jordan to receive baptism from the Forerunner, Saint John the Baptist, He does not do so for Himself but for us—for our cleansing and renewal.
At the moment the Savior immerses Himself in the waters, they, by His power, are sanctified, and the nature that had fallen through sin begins to be transformed.
Here we witness how Heaven, once closed to fallen humanity, is now opened, and the voice of the Father declares: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, descends to confirm this divine truth, revealing the fullness of communion within the Triune God.
On this day, the sanctified water becomes a symbol of God’s mercy and His healing presence. The Jordan’s waters, through the prayers of the Church and the descent of the Holy Spirit, transcend their natural essence, becoming spiritual grace and a remedy for souls and bodies. In their incorruptibility is reflected Christ’s victory over the corruption of the world. They remain fresh and pure throughout the year, as a symbol of the incorruptibility of God’s Kingdom, which has shone forth in Christ.
When we bring this holy water into our homes, we bring God’s grace into our daily lives. It is not a magical element but a gift that requires our faith and repentance. Therefore, receiving it is linked to fasting, prayer, and preparation, for only a purified heart can hold the power of the blessing it carries.
At Theophany, the heavens are not only opened but call us to open our hearts, to cleanse our inner being, and to receive the grace of the Holy Trinity. Just as Christ, in humility and obedience, receives baptism from John, so we must approach the Mysteries of the Church with deep humility and faith, following His example.
This feast is a call to participate in divine life, a call to be reborn through repentance and faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. The holy water sanctified on this day becomes not only a symbol but also a real presence of God, filling us, healing us, and protecting us.
Thus, in the light of Theophany, it is revealed that our lives, if united with Christ, are called to become a mystery of communion with the Trinity—a journey toward deification, where the waters of the Jordan prefigure the river of grace that leads us into eternal life.
As You, O Lord, were baptized in the waters of the Jordan, a mystery beyond human understanding was revealed. In that moment, the truth of the Holy Trinity shone forth clearly and unmistakably, as a light illuminating the darkened earth.
The voice of the Father, the heavenly Parent, testifies to You, calling You the beloved Son. In these words is the fullness of paternal love and the affirmation of Your divine majesty. This is the voice that tears apart the veil of the fallen world and opens the path to man’s salvation. Simultaneously, the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, proclaims peace and grace, revealing the presence of the Trinity in this world.
Christ, You who are the Light of the world, by Your manifestation You enlighten all those in darkness. Your descent into the waters of the Jordan is not merely a humble fulfillment of the law but also a transformation of creation, which through Your presence becomes once more a bearer of divine glory. The waters, once symbols of transience, now become carriers of incorruption, for sanctified by Your power, they grant life to all who approach in faith.

Your baptism reveals that salvation is not merely an event of the past but an eternal reality encompassing all ages. In it, we find the beginning of our purification, the path to our deification, and communion with the Holy Trinity.
Glory to You, Christ God, who have appeared and enlightened the world!
Your light does not diminish nor is it bound by time. It remains the beacon for all who seek truth, the comfort for fallen humanity, and the life of the world. May every corner of our souls be illumined by Your grace, and may all that we do reflect the radiance of Your light unto ages of ages.


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