The Holy Prophet Moses the God-seer

Tomorrow, Orthodox Christians celebrate the memory of the great Prophet Moses, a towering figure in the history of salvation and one of the most revered prophets. His life, rich in divine encounters and profound leadership, offers us a glimpse into the depth of faith, perseverance, and obedience to God’s will.
Moses’ life can be divided into three significant stages, each spanning forty years, and each bearing witness to God’s providence.
1. The First Forty Years – Life in Egypt
Moses was born in a time when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Through divine intervention, he was saved from Pharaoh’s decree to kill all Hebrew male infants and was raised in Pharaoh’s palace. Despite his privileged upbringing, Moses’ heart remained with his people. This is evident when he intervened to protect a fellow Hebrew and was forced to flee Egypt after killing an Egyptian overseer.
2. The Second Forty Years – Exile in Midian
Moses’ years of exile in Midian shaped him into a man of deep humility. It was during this time that he encountered the living God in the burning bush at Mount Sinai. Here, God revealed Himself as “I AM” (YHWH, ὁ Ὤν) and appointed Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage. This divine calling thrust Moses into a role of leadership, where he would face the mighty Pharaoh and demand the liberation of God’s people.
3. The Final Forty Years – Leading Israel to the Promised Land
Through Moses, God performed great miracles, including the ten plagues of Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. His leadership extended far beyond physical liberation, as he guided the Israelites on a 40-year journey through the wilderness. During this time, Moses received the Law on Mount Sinai, including the Ten Commandments, which would serve as the foundation of spiritual and moral life for the people of Israel and ultimately for Christians today.
The Orthodox Church sees Moses as a pro-type of Christ—a figure whose life prefigures and points towards the coming of the Messiah. Just as Moses delivered Israel from the physical slavery of Egypt, Christ delivers humanity from the spiritual slavery of sin.
Moreover, Moses’ personal relationship with God serves as a profound example for us all. Scripture tells us that Moses spoke with God “face to face” as a man speaks to his friend (Exodus 33:11). This intimacy with God is a call to us to cultivate a deeper communion with the Lord through prayer, obedience, and trust in His will.
Moses’ unwavering faith in God’s promises, despite the many obstacles, reminds us that faith is not merely intellectual but is lived out in obedience and trust. Even when Moses did not see the fulfillment of God’s promises in his lifetime (he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land), he continued to serve faithfully, teaching us to trust in God’s plan even when we cannot see its completion.
Despite his great role in history, Moses is described as the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3). His leadership was not about power but service. For those of us who find ourselves in positions of service, Moses is a model of humility, always pointing away from himself and toward God.
Moses’ journey with the Israelites was fraught with challenges, including frequent rebellion from the people he was called to lead. Yet, he never abandoned his mission. Like Moses, we are called to endure in our faith, especially during difficult times, knowing that God is always with us.
Through the prayers of the Prophet Moses, may the Lord guide us on our journey toward the heavenly Promised Land.
Troparion (Tone 2):
Thou didst ascend to the heights of the virtues, O Prophet Moses;
and wast deemed worthy to behold the glory of God.
Having received the grace-filled tablets of the law,
and bearing within thyself the God-inscribed character of grace,
Thou wast the honorable praise of prophets,
and a great mystery of piety.
Pray thou earnestly for our souls!
May the intercessions of the Prophet Moses be with us all!