Dear fellow archpastors in the Lord, most reverent shepherds and God-loving flock of the Russian True Orthodox Church:CHRIST IS RISEN!The...
Encyclical for the Feast of the Holy Dormition 2019 Diocese of Western Europe “Neither the tomb nor death could confine...
Paschal message to all faithful children of the Russian True Orthodox Church in the Fatherland and abroad To the archpastors,...
Paschal encyclical 2019 Paschal Encyclical 2019 Diocese of Pallini and Western Europe “Why seek ye the living among the dead?”...
Encyclical at the Beginning of Great Lent 2019 Dearest Brethren and Fellow Wayfarers on the journey to eternal life, From...
Рождественское послание высокопреосвященнейшего Тихона, архиепископа Омского и Сибирского - 2018/2019 Рождественское послание всем верным чадам Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви во Отечестве и...