July 27, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

St. Pacian Bishop of Barcelona – March 9

1 min read

Saint Pacian was Bishop of Barcelona. A Spaniard by birth, he became bishop in 365. Little is known about his life beyond his extensive writings, which are themselves extant only in part in three letters and a short treatise, Paraenesis ad Poenitentiam. Among the topics he examined in his writings are ecclesiastical discipline, Baptism and orthodox teachings on penance against the heresy of Novatianism, which were then flourishing in Spain. In De Viris Illustribus, St. Jerome praised Pacian for his eloquence and deep sanctity. Pacian’s son, Flavius Dexter, became a praetorian prefect under the Western Roman Emperor Honorius.

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