Saint Philaret of New York Tells us 3 Things the Holy Myrrh-bearers Did to Earn Their Place in the Resurrection Message

Let us remember what it means to be faithful and devoted and what it means to have a clean conscience. The holy women myrrh-bearers did everything to be attentive to their Teacher. Not fearing any dangers,
- they go to Golgotha accompanying Him,
- stand at the cross of Golgotha, observing,
- reverently watching how their Teacher is buried

and for that, they receive the joy of witnessing His glory, resurrected from the dead.
Remember man how important it is to be faithful to God. Faithfulness and devotion to Him enlighten human conscience and enlightens human reason. And conversely, when man continuously performs acts of faithlessness and betrayal to his Lord and to the Truth, then his soul becomes calloused, coarsens and darkens his conscience. Then it is not easy for him to admit the truth, it is not easy to worship it. Everyone should remember this and should always pray that the Lord teaches us to be always faithful to Him in everything as the holy, glorious women myrrh-bearers. They remained faithful to Him to the end and received unspeakable joy. They saw their Teacher resurrected and immediately worshipped Him. Their example of faithfulness and love is an instructive example for every Christian soul so that following it, man will himself manifest his faithfulness to the Lord to the very end and will receive the joy of seeing Him.
St. Philaret, New Confessor of New York
“Sermon on the Sunday of the Woman Myrrhbearers” (5/18, May 1975)