If Dr. Seuss knew about heresy perhaps.., I do not want their bread and wine, I do not want it,...
١٥ وٱحسُبوا لَكم مِن غَدِ السَّبت، مِن يَومِ إِتْيانِكم بِحُزمةِ التَّحْريك، سَبعَةَ أَسابيعَ تامّة.١٦ إِلى غَدِ السَّبتِ السَّابِع، تَحسُبونَ خَمْسينَ...
The life of the Holy Great Martyr Eustathius (also known as Eustace or Eustathios) and his family is a story...
The “Archbishop of America”, Elpidophoros, speaking some time ago (July 15, 2021) in New York at the International Religious Freedom...