By Priest Aleksandar Radunovic When we contemplate the wondrous and awe-inspiring mystery of Christ’s Baptism, which shone forth like the...
"المجد لله في العلى وعلى الأرض السلام وفي الناس المسرة!" (لوقا ١٤:٢) أيها الإكليروس والمؤمنون الأحباء في أبرشية أوروبا الغربية...
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among men!” (Luke 2:14) Beloved Clergy and Faithful of...
An article from a Greek Newspaper of 1926 The official Church of Greece is celebrating the Nativity of Christ for...
The celebration of the Nativity of Christ in 1924 for the True Orthodox Christians of Greece was one full of...
+ BP How strange it seems in our world today that some Orthodox are still fasting and some “Orthodox” (I...