Metropolitan Philaret: On the Separation of the ROCOR and the Paris Archdiocese MessageFirst Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church AbroadRussian...
Analysis: Chicago’s New Open Communion Policy Applies to ALL Metropolises of the EP Watch whom Bartholomew communes... And Anastasios of...
"Metropolitan" Nathanael Announces Open Communion in the Metropolis of Chicago from: Nathanael Announces Open Communion in the Metropolis of...
More photos from the Papist monastery of Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy. This time showing Athonites (!) and an Athonite abbot joining...
The true Christian, moving his tongue to praise God, leans on his knees and raises his hands and mind to...
The Pope follows the New Age program and condemns anything he views as “conservative”.
On November 12, 2019 “Patriarch” Bartholomew attended vespers at Trappist Cistercian Abbey Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Rochefort, Belgium.