February 10, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

From the Ordinations of Aleksandar Radunovic to the Diaconate and Priesthood

On Saturday the 5th/18th of May, 2024, the layman Aleksandar Radunovic was tonsured a reader and subsequently ordained a subdeacon in the morning orthros service, before being ordained to the holy diaconate during the divine liturgy on the same day. On the next day, Sunday the 6th/19th of May, 2024, Dcn. Aleksandar Radunovic was ordained to the holy priesthood in the divine liturgy. The tonsure and ordinations were all performed at the hand of the Right Reverend Bishop Philaretos of Pallini and Western Europe in the Cathedral of St. Paraskevi, in Pallini, Greece.

Priest Aleksandar was born in 1976 in Zenica, a small town in the center of the former state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In his years prior to joining the RTOC, he had commenced theological studies which he subsequently abandoned after learning about the ecumenist heresies of “world orthodoxy.” Priest Aleksandar moved to Norway in 2010, where he completed four years of study at an IT academy, and continues to reside and work as an IT professional with his Presbytera and two children.

Priest Aleksandar said the following:

‘I left the spiritual watch and all the bishops of “world orthodoxy” because of heresy.’ … ‘I do not wish to have any prayerful communion with the heretics of “world orthodoxy”‘ … ‘I do not accept the heresies of ecumenism, sergianism, cyprianism, or any Latin heresy, or any heresy of the world union of heresies. I do not accept anything that has been determined to be heretical by the Seven Ecumenical Councils’ … ‘I do not wish to have any prayerful communion with those who serve with heretics and support them.’

‘I submit myself in complete obedience to my Bishop Philaretos and the RTOC Synod.’ … ‘As a priest of the RTOC, I am called to fulfil my mission in an Orthodox and truthful manner, to care for souls and bring people to salvation.’ … ‘We are called by the words of the Lord: Go and teach all nations’ … ‘It is our duty to call people to repentance.’

Priest Aleksandar will serve as an RTOC priest in Norway, under the omophorion of the Right Reverend Bishop Philaretos of Pallini and Western Europe.


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