St. John the Russian was born approximately in 1690 in Ukraine. Having come of age, he was recruited to the army...
by Vladimir Moss Early Years Our holy Father Dunstan was born in the village of Baltonsborough, near Glastonbury, in about...
Saint Patrick lived during the first century and was bishop of the city of Prusa in Bithynia (Asia Minor). He...
Glyceria was the daughter of a Roman governor. Becoming impoverished after her father's death, Glyceria settled in Trajanopolis in Thrace....
He was born of barbarians Saint Christopher is one of the most popular Martyrs. He is loved and honoured in...
Akathist to theHoly Apostle and EvangelistJOHN the Theologian Kontakion 1 Chosen from fisher nets for the preaching of the Gospel,...
by Dr. Vladimir Moss Our holy Father John was born of noble parents at Harpham, Yorkshire in 640. As a...
By Dr. Vladimir Moss Our holy Father Edbert became bishop of Lindisfarne in 688. A very learned and generous man,...
Commemorated on May 7 The holy New Martyr Pachomius was from Little Russia, and was captured by Moslem Tatars who made...
Introduction and Compilation by Brother Michael Introduction Right before our baptism, the servant of God performing the mystery of Baptism,...