Apostle Andronicus of the Seventy and his fellow laborer Junia (1st c.). Venerable Euphrosyne (Princess Eudocia) of Moscow (1407). Martyrs...
Georgian monks began to settle on Mt. Athos in the middle of the 10th century, and a Georgian monastery, Iveron,...
Hieromartyr Ermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', was glorified into the rank of the saints on 12 May 1913. During...
by Dr. Vladimir Moss https://trueorthodox.eu/saint-john-of-beverley-bishop-of-york/
May 7, 2021 Third Week of Pascha. Tone two. Commemoration of the Apparition of the Sign of the Precious Cross...
Saint Eadberht, was Bishop of Lindisfarne, England, from 688 until his death on 6 May 698. He is notable as having founded the...