Protopriest M. Donetsky relates that in the foothills of the Caucasus, not far from Sochi, there was a state dairy...
From the life of Saint Antonina the Abbess: An Abbess of the Catacomb Church during Soviet times. When her...
Commemorated: June 25 /July 8 by Dmitry Lapa St. Moluog (also known as Moluoc, Moluag, Molua, Molloch, Lugaidh and under...
Saint Alban (or Albanus), the protomartyr of Britain, was a Roman citizen who lived at Verulamium (modern Saint Albans), a...
James 1:17 is a verse of scripture that Orthodox Christians recognize. It is used in the Prayer behind the Ambon...
"Orthodox" Times has the following to say: And we all know the payback.... Friday, July 3, 2020 Pope of Rome...