Feast of the Holy Apostle Thomas- October 6/19 The Holy Apostle St. Thomas is best known for His palpation of...
October 5/18, 2020 Feast of the Holy Martyr Charitina O Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor! Priest Alexander...
By Dr. Vladimir Moss During this time of coronavirus pandemic, we are being showered with statistics about how many...
The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real) is a British children's novel written by Margery Williams. It chronicles the story of a stuffed...
Az RTOC 2017-es püspöki zsinatának határozata a Világi Ökumenikus Ortodoxia szentségeivel, a „ciprianizmus” ekleziológiai eretnekségével és a „szerganizmus” eretnekségének anathemizálásával...
Став Сабора епископа РИПЦ у односу на догматска питања у односу на Тајне светског православља. Еклисиолошке јереси кипријанизма и анатемисања...
Saint Edith of Wilton (c. 963 - 16 September 984-987 also known as Eadgyth, her name in Old English, or...
By Vladimir Moss From the year 2000, as the Synod of ROCOR began officially to accept the canonicity of...