St. John Chrysostom Let us who have been baptized into Christ set aside the old man who seeks for himself...
Priest John Trepatschko of Holy Assumption Church In Stafford, VA, after having followed former Bishop Stefan of Trenton and after...
St. Philaret of New York On the day of the feast of the Theophany – the Baptism of the Lord,...
Archbishop Andrew (Rymarenko) Have you noticed, brothers and sisters, how the Holy Church continually connects our lifewith events from the...
In celebrating Theophany let us be transferred in thought to the very location of the event and let us attend...
Δημήτρης Ανδρεάκος Αρχιφύλακας ΕΛ.ΑΣ Περιφερειακός Σύμβουλος Αττικής 16/02/2020 Οι εποχές και οι καταστάσεις επαναλαμβάνονται, συχνά με τον ίδιο τρόπο. Το...
First, a Historical Note on Archbishop Amvrossy (Merezhko) formerly of Pittsburgh and West Virginia source: ROCOR Studies Archbishop Amvrossy (Adrian...
Bishop Innocent (in the world Alexis Pokhorovich Shishkin) was born in 1878 in the village of Shostka, Rodninsky uyezd, Sedletskaya province (Poland). In 1916 he graduated from St. Petersburg Theological Academy and went to serve as a priest in Novocherkassk. On February 30, 1923 he was arrested for not submitting to the local renovationist diocesan administration, and on March 30 was sentenced to three years in the camps. He was imprisoned on Solovki. On March 13, 1926 he was released and went to serve in the Kuban. From the beginning of 1928 he was in opposition to Metropolitan Sergius and joined the Josephites. From 1928 to 1929 he was an assistant to Bishop Alexis (Buj), carrying out the duties of dean of part of the Josephite parishes in the Kuban, where he helped Bishop Barlaam (Lazarenko). He lived in Yeisk, Krasnodar province. He was arrested in 1928, but was soon released. In November, 1929 he went to serve in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Petrograd, but from the beginning of 1930 was in hiding, going from place to place and serving in secret. In 1930 he was consecrated Bishop of the Don (according to another source, of Yeisk) by the Catacomb Bishops Alexis (Buj), Barlaam (Lazarenko) and Joasaph (Popov). He lived in Novocherkassk, but never slept more than two nights in one place, being constantly pursued. In 1936 he went to his mother's grave in Rostov-on-Don, and was arrested there on October 7. He was...
By Hieromonk Ignaty (Trepatschko) …And upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail...