Beste mede-aartsherders in de Heer, meest eerbiedige herders en God-liefhebbende kudde van de Russisch Ware Orthodoxe Kerk: CHRISTUS IS OPGESTAAN! ...
Hoe levengevend, hoeveel mooier dan het Paradijs, en werkelijk schitterender dan enig koninklijk paleis bleek Uw graf te zijn, o...
How life-giving, how much more beautiful than Paradise, and truly more resplendent than any royal palace was Thy tomb shown...
Dear fellow archpastors in the Lord, most reverent shepherds and God-loving flock of the Russian True Orthodox Church:CHRIST IS RISEN!The...
ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕСЕ!Эту истину торжественно, со всею силою возвещает нам сегодня Святая Церковь. Мощным, неудержимым потоком разносится она по вселенной, наполняя...
Mily életteljesnek, a Paradicsomnál mennyivel gyönyörűbbnek, és minden királyi palotánál valóban ragyogóbbnak bizonyult, Krisztus, a Te sírod, a mi feltámadásunk...
by Dr. Vladimir Moss Just as sin multiplied in the prediluvial world, so did its punishment. The Flood came...
Atât din punct de vedere al canonicității, cât și al mărturisirii de Credință, Soborul II al Episcopilor RTOC, mărturisește...