About the MP About the "Moscow Patriarchate" It's terrible when we consciously step back from the Truth, deliberately take the...
Архиепископ Аверкий (Таушев) Страшно то, когда мы сознательно отступаем от Истины, сознательно становимся на путь лжи и строим всю свою жизнь,...
A Crowned Wrestler – Archbishop Theophan of Poltava From the lives of the desert-fathers, we see tangible evidence of the...
Apolytikion in the First Tone Giving thy mind wings with the knowledge of God, thou didst soar beyond visible creatures,...
Source: Archaeologists unearth church believed to mark home of Apostles Peter and Andrew / OrthoChristian.Com
UNTIL RECENTLY (written in 1975), the concepts and terms “Christian” and “Orthodox” were unambiguous and meaningful. Now, however, we are...
ST. ANTHONY OF THE KIEV CAVES Commemorated July 10/23, September 2/15, September 28/October 11 After the seeds of Divine grace...
Know that we must serve, not the times, but God."—St. Athanasius the Great, Letter to Dracontius IN STEP WITH THE...
BY ARCHBISHOP AVERKY True Orthodoxy by Archbishop Averky of Blessed Memory Few people today know that the Orthodox Church is...
Life of the Holy New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth by Metropolitan Anastassy Not every generation is destined to meet along...