Todays reading at the sixth hour from the 13th chapter of the Book of Isaiah starting with the second verse...
Year: 2020
I did this recipe on Monday, but with just simple flour and spices. It works! Delicious, plant-based, and oil-free:...
Feast on March 5 St. Carthage was an Irish bishop and abbot of the 6th century. He was the successor...
At today's vespers, I was impressed by a part of a passage that is often read at celebrated saints' vespers...
Gerasimus left his family wealth and worldly affairs to become a monk. He departed for the region Thebaid in the...
Every kind of new iconoclasm will way heavy on our souls...
Hieroconfessor Nicetas, in the world Nicetas Auxentievich Lekhan, was born in 1893 in the Poltava district. He was from a...
“You should be afraid not of cholera, but of serious sins, for the scythe of death mows a person down...