March 31, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

To the Patriarchs and Bishops of World Orthodoxy Who Will Be the First to Bow to the Antichrist

by RTOC Priest Aleksandar Radunovic of our Diocese of Western Europe

When the time of great apostasy comes and the light of true faith is hidden under a cloak of lies, who will be the first to see the face of the one who will be crowned from the very altars of the world’s churches as the false messiah?

Tell me, O you who seek truth in the depths of your heart, who are those who will hurry from all corners of the earth, the first to fall on their knees before the one who bears the seal of evil instead of the cross of salvation?

Where will your light be, O patriarchs and bishops, when you lay your gifts at the feet of the one who hates all that is holy and true?

Who are those who will come from their palaces, dressed in costly garments, with false gifts in hand, not knowing they are surrendering their souls to the hands of the antichrist, while the world watches and nods in approval?

What will that moment look like when the world sees those who were called to guard the faith, by their actions, anathematize all that was holy, accepting lies instead of Truth, for they have blinded themselves with greed and pride?

Where will they find their peace, those who have betrayed Christ for worldly glory, who, like Judas, have delivered Him with a kiss into the hands of those who crucified Him?

Who will be the first to feel the chill of darkness when the antichrist sits on his throne, surrounded by those who have built his power with their hands and words, when patriarchs and bishops themselves lay down their crowns before him, acknowledging his authority as supreme?

What will the world look like when those who swore to defend the faith are the first to betray it, when they turn their churches into marketplaces of deception, and their prayers into empty words that no longer reach heaven?

Where will they find their hope, those who have allowed the coronation of the one who brings death, when they realize they have given their souls into the hands of the one who will lead them into eternal darkness?

When the hour of judgment comes and the Truth is revealed in all its glory, what will remain of world Orthodoxy that has anathematized itself, which has sent its patriarchs and bishops as the first worshippers before the throne of the antichrist?

How will their fall look when they hear the words of the Lord: “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, I truly do not know you,” because they have betrayed the faith, because they have betrayed Christ?

Where will those hide who, instead of being pillars of truth, have become foundations of deception and lies, who with their own hands crowned the one who will lead them to eternal ruin?

O beloved, open your eyes before it is too late, for the hour is coming when world Orthodoxy will crown the antichrist, when patriarchs and bishops will themselves put on the yoke of death and lead many into the abyss.

Anathematize all heresies, reject all that is not from God, and guard your souls from the evil that is coming, for only a small number will remain faithful, only those who will hold the Truth as a light in the darkness.

☦️Orthodoxy is the Only Truth☦️ 
Clergyman RTOC Aleksandar

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