March 11, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

The Synaxis of the 20 Holy Unmercenaries – October 17

The Synaxis of the 20 Holy Unmercenaries
On October 17th, we celebrate the Synaxis of the 20 Holy Unmercenaries. This group of Saints is revered for their extraordinary acts of selfless love, particularly in the healing of physical and spiritual ailments without accepting any form of payment. The title “Holy Unmercenaries” is derived from the Greek term “ἀνάργυροι” (“anargyroi”), which literally means “without silver.” These Saints chose to render their services freely, in defiance of the social and economic norms of their time, where silver was the main currency.
The Holy Unmercenaries lived in accordance with Christ’s command in Matthew 10:8, which urges His followers: “Freely you have received, freely give.” In a society where most forms of help and healing were monetized, these Saints set a radical example of Christian love by refusing compensation. Their actions were countercultural during the Roman imperial period, raising suspicions among their pagan contemporaries. In an era dominated by economic exchanges and a merit-based social order, the Unmercenaries’ charitable acts were seen as both challenging and subversive.
Despite facing skepticism and even outright hostility, the Holy Unmercenaries remained steadfast in their faith, healing the sick and ministering to the needy in the name of Christ. In many cases, their refusal to accept payment and their unwavering devotion to the Lord led to their martyrdom. Yet, their sacrifices were not in vain. Thousands came to faith in Christ through the witness of these Saints’ courageous actions and unwavering love.
The 20 Holy Unmercenaries celebrated today as a synaxis along with their individual feasts are:
-Sts. Kosmas and Damian of Asia Minor – November 1st
-Sts. Kosmas and Damian of Rome – July 1st
-Sts. Kosmas, Damian, Leontios, Anthimos, and Eutropios of Arabia – October 17th
-Sts. Cyrus (Kyros in Greek) and John – January 31st and June 28th
-St. Tryphon – February 1st
-St. Julianos – February 6th
-St. Mokios – May 11th
-St. Thallaleos – May 20th
-St. Ermolaos – July 26th
-St. Panteleimon the Great-martyr – July 27th
-Sts. Anikitos and Photios – August 12th

The legacy of the Holy Unmercenaries challenges each of us to examine our own motivations and actions. Are we prepared to serve others freely, as they did, without seeking recognition or reward? When we ask for their intercessions, we are not only seeking their heavenly aid but also their example to guide us towards becoming more “unmercenary” in our own lives.
Let us commemorate these holy men and women who, through their selflessness, glorified God and led countless souls to salvation. By honoring them, we are reminded of our own call to embody Christ’s love without measure and without expecting anything in return.
May the Holy Unmercenaries intercede for us all!

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