October 24, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

The Search for the Kingdom of Heaven

By Priest Aleksandar Radunovic

The Kingdom of Heaven is near – but this nearness cannot be understood as something limited by time or space, for the Kingdom of God is not of this world, nor does it appear in a visible way. The Gospel tells us: “The Kingdom of God does not come with observation… nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21). These words point to the mystery of the depth of our relationship with the Lord, to the state of the soul that affects our participation in the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is not measured by external circumstances, but by the condition of the heart and the purity of the spirit.

Just as a man knows himself in humility, so the Kingdom of God becomes visible in those who humble themselves before Him. For “he who knows himself best is the one who thinks he is nothing.” Such nothingness is not a denial of the dignity that God bestows upon man, but a rejection of vanity and pride, which distance us from God. Thus, the Kingdom of Heaven draws near to those souls who are meek and humble, to those who are open to the grace of God, for only such can perceive the inner reality of that Kingdom.

What the proud man cannot see, the humble man deeply perceives – the Kingdom of God is within us, in our heart, in our devotion to God. For whoever thinks that the Kingdom of God will come as some external event does not understand its essence. The Kingdom is already here, it shines in those who have attained a pure heart, for “blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

The maturity of faith is reflected in this inward approach to the Kingdom, in the state of our soul which grows and matures through the struggle of humility. As a man becomes aware of his own nothingness before God, the glory of God is revealed to him. This is the inner path to the Kingdom of Heaven, a path that is not measured by time or place, but by our relationship to the Eternal.

The Kingdom of God is within us, and everything depends on our readiness to accept it. Only when a man becomes nothing in his own eyes, surrendering everything into the hands of God, does he realize the greatness of that Kingdom. It is a Kingdom that is not seen with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the spirit, it is the eternal light that illuminates the path of the soul that strives toward God.

Whoever seeks the Kingdom outwardly will lose their way; but whoever seeks it within themselves will find it and partake in the glory that does not fade. “The Kingdom of Heaven is near,” for it is always here, within us, waiting for our heart to open and enter into communion with God.

Just as the Kingdom of Heaven does not come in a visible way, so too our soul cannot enter it until it opens its heart to the light of God, which quietly dwells within us, waiting for us to recognize it. The purpose of our life is not in fulfilling external demands or achieving earthly accomplishments, but in seeking what is within – in seeking that heavenly joy which surpasses all earthly comforts.

The Kingdom of God is the state of a soul that lives in harmony with God, which has freed itself from pride and passions, so that the eternal joy may shine within it, a joy that does not depend on the fleeting things of this world. All our efforts, all our struggles, every prayerful ascent in the cell of the heart – all serve one purpose: to discover the hidden Kingdom within us and bring that heavenly joy into our lives. That joy is the fruit of the Spirit, given to those who have attained inner peace, those who have stilled the waves of passion and allowed themselves to be guided by the gentle voice of God’s grace.

Joy in Christ is not the joy of this world, it is not fleeting and does not depend on external circumstances. It is like a deep river that flows quietly, unnoticed, but carries with it life-giving water that revives the parched ground of our being.

It is the joy of those who have found peace with themselves and with God, those who have realized that everything needed for true happiness already resides within them, just waiting to be revealed.

Our path is the path of inner searching, a journey not to seek external glory, but to enter the depth of our soul, where the Kingdom awaits us in its unspeakable radiance. And only when we attain that joy, when we find the Kingdom within ourselves, can we truly live. Everything earthly becomes but a shadow in comparison to that inner bliss, to that inexpressible light that dwells within us.

Therefore, brother, do not seek joy in the external world, do not rely on what is perishable, but look deeply into your heart, for there the Kingdom is hidden. And when you find it, that joy will overflow into your whole life, into every deed, into every thought, and then you will be truly joyful in the Lord.

For the joy that springs from the depths of the Kingdom of God within us is not just for a moment – it is eternal and unfading, as God Himself. Seek it, and you will find it. Live in it, and you will come to know that your life is already a part of that eternal Kingdom, which cannot be seen with the eyes, but is felt in the heart of the one who has opened the door of his soul to the joy of God.

The Kingdom of Heaven, according to some, represents a life worthy of heaven, exalted and pure, which transcends all that is earthly. According to others, it is an angelic state, where the saved reach the heights of bliss, without sin or pain, in unceasing communion with God. Yet some speak of the Kingdom of Heaven as an image of divine beauty, a reflection of heavenly perfection, which is revealed in souls who bear the “image of the heavenly” (1 Cor. 15:49).

And indeed, all these views are true, for the Kingdom of God is not one-dimensional, but unfolds in a multitude of forms, depending on the purity and readiness of the soul that receives it. Each soul, according to the measure of its righteousness, receives a portion of that grace of the age to come, even now, in this life. For the Kingdom is not only a promise, but also a presence, revealed through the deeds and virtues of the righteous.

Just as the sun gives light and warmth to every creature, but each object receives that light in proportion to its openness and purity, so too the Kingdom of Heaven abides in us according to how ready we are to receive it. Those who strive for the angelic state, those who seek heavenly purity in their lives, already bear within themselves the image of that Kingdom.

For the grace of the Kingdom is not something that will come in the future – it is already here, within us, in the hearts that have opened to God’s love and light. The quality of our life, our righteousness, and the purity of our soul determine how much of that divine light we can receive, how much of that heavenly joy we can experience.

The Kingdom of Heaven, therefore, is a transformative way of life, which elevates us to the level of the angels and saints, making us bearers of that heavenly image. It is a foretaste of the future glory, which is revealed to us in this life, in accordance with our efforts and striving toward virtue. For grace is given to all, but each receives according to the measure of their preparedness and openness to God’s light.

Therefore, let each of us strive to be worthy of that grace, to emulate the heavenly, and to live a life that is already a part of the Kingdom, so that in the age to come, we may attain the fullness of that glory and joy in the Lord.

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