March 6, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

The Kingdom of God or Hell in the Heart of Man

Text and prayer composed by RTOC Priest Aleksandar

Is there a greater mystery than that which concerns the fate of the soul in eternity?

Many believe that the answer to this question will only be revealed after they cross the threshold of death. But has the Lord not already set the standards by which our eternity is discerned?

For He Himself says: “The Kingdom of God is within you.”

(Luke 17:21)

If the Kingdom of God is already present in the soul here and now, should we not feel its joy?

Conversely, if hell is already in the heart, does a man not carry it with him wherever he goes?

A soul that has received the Lord knows a joy that does not come from this world but from the very Source of Light.

Joy is not a fleeting emotion but the seal of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the heart.

Such a soul understands that all things pass away—except for the love of God.

It does not find happiness in the vanity of the world, nor does it attach itself to perishable things. It lives in humility, forgiveness, and purity, knowing that true freedom is only found in communion with God.

Spiritual joy is a quiet flame in the heart, burning unceasingly, undiminished by trials.

It is not the laughter of this world, nor a false comfort, but an inner state of the soul that has welcomed the Kingdom of God within itself.

Whoever carries this joy already walks the radiant path toward eternity, for his heart is not burdened, nor his mind weighed down by dark thoughts.

Such a person sees everything through the eyes of love, does not harbor judgment, nor rejoices in another’s downfall.

Whoever walks the path of the Kingdom bears certain unmistakable signs in his heart:

Peace that is independent of external circumstances.

The world may be in chaos, yet such a person’s heart remains serene. Not because he has no trials, but because they do not shake him, for he knows to whom he belongs. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”

(John 14:27)

Joy that comes from within.

Not the fleeting joy of worldly pleasures, but the joy in the Holy Spirit, the joy that arises from communion with Christ. This joy endures even in suffering and tribulation, for it is a reflection of God’s presence.

Love for one’s neighbor.

Not only for a friend, but even for an enemy. Love that does not seek to be repaid, love that does not envy, does not keep a record of wrongs, nor delights in injustice. Such love does not come from human effort but from a deep union with Christ.

Humility that seeks nothing for itself.

The one who walks toward the Kingdom does not exalt himself over others, does not boast of his piety, nor expect recognition. He knows he is but dust and ashes, yet he also knows that the Lord has granted him the ineffable mercy of being a son of the Kingdom.

Hatred, envy, and pride are the marks of hell in the heart.

If the heart does not carry light, it carries darkness.

If the soul does not feel the joy of Divine Love, then hell already dwells within it. Hatred is not merely an emotion—it is a fire that consumes the soul and destroys its ability to see God.

Envy is a worm that gnaws at the heart from within, giving it no rest, day or night.

Pride is the throne upon which the very rebel against the Light sits, whispering to the soul that it need not humble itself before God.

Hell is not merely a punishment after death; it is the state in which the soul already dwells when it separates itself from God.

If the heart lacks peace, if it is consumed by anger, if it cannot rejoice in the good of others, if it seeks revenge and cannot forgive—then hell has already taken residence within it. Such a person does not need to wait for the Last Judgment; he already carries his condemnation within himself.

Light terrifies him, truth exposes him, love burns him—because his heart cannot endure what is of God.

What are the signs of a soul on the path to hell?

Restlessness and constant inner turmoil.

A heart that does not know peace, that cannot find rest in prayer, in solitude, or in conversation. A feeling of emptiness that no wealth or recognition can fill.

Hatred that consumes the soul.

Whoever cannot forgive, who carries vengeance within himself, already carries the fire of hell. Christ warns us: “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

(Matthew 6:15)

Pride and a sense of superiority.

Hell is where there is no humility. Whoever exalts himself above others, who believes himself better, who looks down upon his neighbor, has already separated himself from the Kingdom.

A sense of despair and sorrow.

When the soul loses hope in God, when it locks itself in the darkness of its sins, when it rejects repentance—then it already feels the punishment it carries within. For the Lord is not the God of sorrow, but of joy. If there is no joy in the heart, then it is already on the path to destruction.

How to recognize the path?

Let each person look into his own heart. Does it carry peace or unrest? Is it filled with love or bitterness? Is it free or bound by passions? The answer is not far away—it is in our daily life, in our words, thoughts, and deeds.

Let us cry out:

“Lord, do not leave us in the darkness of sin! Purify our hearts, fill us with love, grant us humility and forgiveness! Implant within us the light of Your Kingdom, that we may already taste it here and be received into it in eternity!”

For, brothers and sisters, the Kingdom is not somewhere far away, nor is hell merely a punishment for the lost.

They are already present in the hearts of men. Whoever carries the Kingdom within himself now will enter it after death. Whoever carries hell within himself will simply continue on the path he has chosen.

May the Lord grant that we already live here on earth in the light of His Kingdom so that we may receive it in eternity.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

(Matthew 24:35)

And His word is Love, Truth, and Eternal Life.

O Boundless Light, Living Flame that eternally proceeds from the Inaccessible Light of the Father, shine forth in the darkness of my soul and illuminate the hidden depths of my heart! Let me see You not only with the eyes of the body but with the eyes of the mind, the eyes of the heart, the eyes which make my spirit awake in the ineffable radiance of Your presence.

As the sun in the heavens warms the earth, so You, O True Light, warm the coldness of my soul, that no shadow of sin may remain within me. Dispel the darkness of non-being and enlighten me with knowledge that is not of this world, but of the Eternal Source, where essence and energy unite without mingling, in a mystery incomprehensible to the created mind.

O Fiery Power, who revealed fear to the prophets and glory to the archangels, may Your flame permeate my being—not as judgment, for which I am unworthy, but as mercy, by which the unclean are cleansed, the mortal are made immortal, and dust is transformed into a temple of the Spirit.

May the Uncreated Light overshadow your souls with His unfading ray of mercy. May your hearts become a temple where the Light of the Godhead dwells, and your mind be immersed in the silence that communes with God.

May the grace of the Uncreated Light be with you all, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Remember me, O Lord, Your small and unworthy servant.

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