Saints Saint Isaac the Syrian – The Fiery Voice of the Wilderness 1 month ago trueorthodox By RTOC Priest Aleksandar
Saints Wisdom from the Fathers January 28th Orthodox Calendar- Feast of St. Isaac the Syrian 2 years ago trueorthodox Quotes
Wisdom from the Fathers “Humility collects the soul into a single point by the power of silence. A truly humble man has no desire to be known or admired by others but wishes to plunge from himself into himself, to become nothing, as if he had never been born. When he is completely hidden to himself in himself, he is completely with God” 3 years ago trueorthodox
Wisdom from the Fathers In love did God bring the world into existence: in love is God going to bring it to that wondrous transformed state, and in love will the world be swallowed up in the great mystery of the One who has preformed all these things; in love will the whole course of the governance of creation be finally comprised. -St. Isaac the Syrian 3 years ago trueorthodox
To Ponder Wisdom from the Fathers “There is love like a small lamp, which goes out when the oil is consumed; or like a stream which dries up when it doesn’t rain. But there is a love that is like a mighty spring gushing up out of the earth; it keeps flowing forever, and is inexhaustible.” – St. Isaac the Syrian 3 years ago trueorthodox
Spiritual Works Spirituality To Ponder Wisdom from the Fathers “Be crucified, but do not crucify others.” -St. Isaac the Syrian 3 years ago trueorthodox
True Orthodoxy Wisdom from the Fathers “The man who follows Christ in solitary mourning is greater than he who praises Christ amid the congregation of men” – St. Isaac the Syrian 3 years ago trueorthodox
Feasts “The cross is the door to mysteries. Through this door, the intellect makes entrance into the knowledge of heavenly mysteries. The knowledge of the cross is concealed in the sufferings of the cross. And the more our participation in its sufferings, the greater the perception we gain through the cross.” – St. Isaac the Syrian 3 years ago trueorthodox