March 26, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Saint Tryphon – The Holy Martyr and Wonderworker

RTOC Priest Aleksandar

Oh, the mystery of divine providence, which chooses the humble and lowly to shame the mighty, which adorns the simple with the grace of miracles and turns shepherds into warriors of the heavenly kingdom! Who can fathom the ways of God, who raises the poor from the dust and seats them among the saints?
The Life of Saint Tryphon
Saint Tryphon, the glorious martyr of Christ, was born in the village of Kampsade in Phrygia. His parents were poor, yet rich in faith, and from his very childhood, the grace of God rested upon him. Even as a boy, he was granted the divine gift to heal the sick and to cast out evil spirits.
At that time, the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Gordian III. The emperor’s daughter, Gordiana, was suddenly afflicted with a terrible madness, and none of the physicians in the empire could heal her. Then, the evil spirit dwelling in her spoke, confessing that no one could drive him out except the servant of God, Tryphon.
The emperor, in his desperation, ordered that all those bearing the name Tryphon be brought before him. At last, the true Tryphon was found and brought to Rome, where he, through prayer and the power of Christ, healed the emperor’s daughter. In gratitude, the emperor bestowed upon him many gifts, but the holy young man, untouched by worldly riches, distributed them all to the poor upon his return home.
Despite the honor he had received, Saint Tryphon did not seek a place in palaces or among the noble of this world. Instead, he returned to his village, where he continued his humble life—tending geese and praying to God. Yet, the world, blinded by its own pride, did not recognize the treasure hidden in its midst.
His Martyrdom for Christ
When the persecutor of Christ, Emperor Decius Trajan, ascended the throne, he unleashed a great persecution against Christians. In the midst of this storm of hatred, the righteous Tryphon was seized and brought before the imperial judges.
Tortures and threats could not shake his steadfast faith. Instead, he endured everything with great joy, saying:
“Oh, if only I might be found worthy to end my life through fire and torment for the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God!”
But no suffering could harm him—the torturers, though cruel, were powerless against the grace that sustained him. Finally, seeing that neither threats nor pain could turn him from Christ, they beheaded him with the sword.
Before his martyrdom, Saint Tryphon knelt in prayer, commending his soul to the hands of his Creator. Thus, in the year 250 AD, his earthly journey came to an end, but his heavenly glory was only beginning.
His Feast and Legacy
The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Tryphon on February 14 (New Calendar) / February 1 (Old Calendar).
Even after his death, his prayers have continued to bring healing and protection to those who call upon him in faith. Farmers and vineyard-keepers especially revere him, as his intercessions are known to drive away pests from fields and protect crops from destruction.
The Hidden Glory of the Saints
Oh, the wondrous ways of God! He who tended geese became a mighty intercessor before the throne of heaven. He who walked the fields in humility became a warrior of divine grace. The world did not know him, but heaven knew his name.
Saint Tryphon, fearless confessor of Christ, do not forget us! You who have cast out demons by your prayers, drive away from us the spirits of darkness! You who have healed the sick, bring healing to our souls! You who have stood firm in torment, strengthen us in our trials!
For just as you have known the depth of God’s mercy, so too do we long to taste of that heavenly light. May we, purified by repentance and inflamed with love for Christ, be made worthy to be called children of the Light, and not shadows of this passing world.
To Christ, the Eternal Light, who grants victory to His saints, be glory unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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