Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church
By a conciliar decision on June 24 / July 7, 2005 Archbishop Tikhon (Pasechnik) of Omsk and Siberia was elected President of the Hierarchical Synod of RTOC.
Our first hierarch Archbishop Tikhon
Today in the Russian True Orthodox Church in the Homeland following Dioceses are operating:
- Omsk-Siberia Diocese
- Black Sea-Kuban Diocese
- Gomel-Bryansk Diocese
- Vinnitsa-Hmelnitsk Diocese
- Odessa Diocese
Also under the omophorion of the RTOC Synod following ROCOR Dioceses, Deaneries and Missions are active:
- Australia Diocese
- West-European Diocese
- North-American Deanery
- Mission in South America
The ruling organ of the RTOC is the Hierarchical Synod, which is composed of four bishops:
- His Eminence Tikhon, Archbishop of Omsk and Siberia, President of The Holy Synod of the Russian True Orthodox Church
- His Eminence Benjamin, Archbishop of the Black Sea Region and Kuban
- His Grace Germogen, Bishop of Gomel and Bryansk
- His Grace Philaret, Bishop of Pallini and West Europe
Protopresbyter Victor Melehov, Secretary of the Holy Synod