March 9, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

On the Great Mystery of the Resurrected Heart by the Living God

By Priest Aleksandar Radunovic of the RTOC Diocese of Western Europe

Oh, how beautiful is the mystery of the resurrection of a man’s heart.

O beloved, how beautiful is the Kingdom of God.

Resurrect your heart through Christ, Orthodox soul, and behold the Kingdom of God which is already hidden within you like a seed waiting for its time to bloom.

The mystery is great and ineffable, for as Christ rose from the dead, so too your heart, if you surrender it to Him, rises from the darkness of sin and transience.

Every person possesses the potential for this inner resurrection, but the path to it is narrow and full of crosses.

As Christ passed through suffering and death to enter into glory, so you too, if you wish to feel the breath of eternity, must pass through the death of the old self, through renouncing everything that hinders you in this world.

The resurrection of the heart is not an instantaneous act, nor merely a fleeting feeling, but a profound transformation of the soul, which comes when we receive Christ not just in words, but in life, when we unite with His death and His resurrection.

When we carry Christ in our hearts, when His light illuminates every corner of our soul, then we feel how everything that is dead within us is revived.

The old man, made of earthly passions, must die, so that the new, transformed man may rise in Christ.

Orthodox soul, when you resurrect your heart through Christ, your eyes will be opened to see the Kingdom of God which is not far, but here, in the depths of your soul, as a light shining above all darkness.

The Kingdom of God is not just a future promise, but a reality that begins here and now, in the heart that has been revived in Christ’s love.

Just as dawn is not seen at night, but slowly breaks through the clouds of darkness, so the Kingdom of God becomes visible to those who have resurrected their hearts in Christ.

In this deep mystery, the mystery of the resurrection of the heart, lies all the power of God that transforms a man from mortal to immortal.

He who resurrects within himself a love for Christ has already stepped into eternity, has already felt the breath of the Kingdom that knows no end.

For what is the Kingdom of God if not the dwelling of Christ within you, the living reflection of His light in your soul?

Therefore, Orthodox soul, resurrect your heart in Him, and you will see the glory of the Kingdom that awaits you.

Do not seek it in the world that passes, but in the depths of your own heart, where Christ stands as an inextinguishable light, as the eternal source of life.

There, in the heart that has opened to Him, that has been revived by His grace, eternal peace and joy will bloom, and then you will see what the saints have seen – a Kingdom not of this world, but which already begins in everyone who has risen in Christ.

With love in Christ,
☦️Priest RTOC Alexander

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